Thursday, March 20, 2014

Guys you shouldn't date

This is not meant to offend anyone and i'm not referring to anyone in particular, just simply write out my thought and ideas from my friends who have actually given me a lot funnier characters you shouldn't even consider the first place i decided to put it all together at here.

Here are the self-compilation type of guys you SHOULDN'T date or even give a slight consideration when you know they want to be more than friend with you :

Guys who:

1) Refuse or give many excuses to send you home and here i'm talking about the short 15-30 minutes driving distance in between

2) Think twice or look reluctant when they are asked to send you home

3) Smoke ( Be prepared for the bad breath when kissing ) 

4) Gamble. Don't expect them to pay the bills when they have more debts to take care of.

5) Tuck their shirt in. ( Not in a fashion way )

6) Ask you to pay for the meal without any particular reasons.

7) Jokingly ask you to pay for a very lame reason and they literally MADE you pay for it.

8) Never offer to pay. 

9) Ask you out and drop you off at the train station when it's time to go home.

10) Is a social media freak. 

11) Wear makeup with the green or blue color lenses. 

12) Brag about how great their past relationship was, job, wealth, or how good or likable they are.

13) Have no SENSE of direction and expect you to be their GPS.

14) Always ask you to decide whenever they bring you out.
      Guy: Hey Where you wanna go?
      Girl : Hmmm...i have no idea.....what about you pick a place for dinner? 
      Guy: Hmmm.....I have no idea too. Let's make some extra rounds so that you have more time to decide.
      Girl : *&%#$*&*&%*@*#%*

15) Have dirty fingernails.

16) Like SELFIE ! Paling betahan pls becareful lor these people confirm gay 

17) Was an ex flight crew. They are either gay or NO talent at all. WHY?

18) Cross the road leaving you behind waiting for another car to pass

19) Over-surprised guy. Imagine the scenario:
      Guy : Hey guess where am i?
      Girl : ( Pooping in the toilet ) Hm where?
      Guy: Surprise! I'm behind of you!!

20) Stare at your boobs during the first meet

21) Drive too fast.

22) Drive too slow.

23) Jobless at the age of 35 without any savings

25) Wear gothic finger ring in 5 out of 10 fingers

26) Ask money from you for more than twice

27) Wear the same shirt/pants for the entire week

28) Always forget where they park their car 

29) Married before

30) Have kids and expecting you to breastfeed them

31) Expect you to do everything during the date. ( Ask for menu ask for bill ask for toilet ask for direction reason being : He's shy.

As i mentioned earlier this is not personal attacking anyone and i'm only contributing PART ( which is most of the ideas) and the rest are from the other girls who ARE and AREN'T single.

But of course, not all girls think in the same way/

I know some of you might think who am i to choose when i'm not perfect enough but go ahead and judge idc. I'm just being kind enough to give you the information because you know, now hor, girls are pretty hard to please ley plus the 30 points i have mentioned earlier are quite agreeable lor...


Too bad if you're one of them.


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