Friday, March 21, 2014

Gender stereotypes

So this day i got a message from Alvis asking if i'm interested to go for the Emirates cabin crew interview in March.( Click on the link if you're interested ).

I wasn't that close with Alvis anyway and i'm sometimes guilty as charge of being so judgemental towards others especially with their job. The first thing came into my mind when he asked was : OMG is he gay
( act cute selfie profile pic somemore sorry lah Alvis if you're reading this ). I was told that majority of male flight attendants are not straight because a straight or career-oriented guy will less likely do this for a living. ( The other reason might be they want to make more fast money that can't guarantee their future career path ). 


Most of the guys are more interested in a career that's related with their profession or industry field ( unless they are not good at ANYTHING - I mean..not good at things that involve creative and logical thinking, in short, they use their face to make money only sorry to be mean ) and often focusing on long term career opportunities and these kind of people don't mind to start from a low pay job as long as they can see their future is guaranteed with a higher pay and post. Yes, they definitely will. I always believe that hard work does pay off but of course you have to be very smart in choosing your career path at the first place.

Sexism against men? Not sure if i'm using it correctly at here but what i'm trying to say is,
things will be totally different if it's for girls especially when we are talking about serving customers in the plane.

Argggg no idea how to explain but you can try to ask around and the answer i got when i did was: 

A: Hey my friend Catherine is currently working with XX Airlines as a cabin crew.
The rest : Whoaaaaa so geng ley she must be very tall and pretty! Photo pls !

A: Hey my friend Matthew is one of the flight crews in XX Airlines.
The rest : Huh? Handsome ah? he gay? 

Don't get offended. I might be wrong. I'm totally fine with that I just don't understand why there's a huge difference of perspective when it comes to the same occupation for different gender.

Apparently we are living in a world of segregation when society stereotypes and gives the genders a definition. They tell you who you are instead of what you really are.


Girls cannot drive properly wan
Girls cannot do reverse parking wan
Girls must get married and give birth
Girls with big boobs are basically stupid 



Guys who wear shorts above knee and deep V T confirm gay
Guys who look extremely cute.......sorry, confirm gay
Guys who show off their half naked 8 abs confirm gay
Guys who 走路夹屁股 ( words my friends love to use ) confirm gay
Guys must pay for girls on a date
Guys must become the financial provider in his family
Guys must buy a car....
He has big eyes.......GAY
He has long fingers......GAY
He is soft spoken........GAY
He stares at hot guy......GAY
He has Ab.... GAY!
He has fair sk....GAY!!! GAY!!!GAY!!!!! 

LOL! I have a lot of gay close friends i love them a lot and i know they love me too!

bla bla bla

Back to the point. Sounds unfair kan? 

A : Hey jessyca look at this cute guy, he has a lot of selfies in his instagram..
Me: Har? ...confirm gay. 

I shall admit i'm one of the streotypical girls. Sadly there's no cure for this. Accept and live with it. 

Make Peace No War ha ! 

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