Tuesday, October 22, 2013

"Why are you single ?"

That's the slow drizzle woke me up this evening. I sat up, as my speakers still playing the songs from Westlife album.

Then i turned my head to my iphone, which, i found few messages asking if i was alone or might interested to go out for a drink. Well here, for those who have keep track of all my sorrows yet never get tired of providing moral and emotional support and constantly back me up anytime when i'm crumble, I want to thank you, for never forsake me in my darkness after so long. At least, it isn't a lonely recovery throughout the journey. I'm truly blessed.

I get the same question a lot by everyone asking :
"Why are you single ?"  Then,
"You don't look like someone who supposed to be single."
In stunned disbelief whenever i say : No reason and i see nothing wrong with it. I love being on myself.

I was a dreamer. I used to have a number of dreams i wanted to achieve in certain age and different stages of life. Whatever else happened a year ago, one thing's for certain, i am heading somewhere fabulous. Surprisingly time spent apart has sobered myself up, inspired to improve myself, do something which i never have the courage to urge myself trying.

Slow down and everything you are chasing will come around and catch you.” -John De Paola

No, somehow i see it differently. It's never as easy as how the words describe. Instead of slowing down, i make a big step forward to seize every possible opportunity myself without anything holding me back. So here, perfect partners are those who are truly giving you their hundred percent support and accept your own thoughts and most importantly, they believe in you, that you're capable, in whatever you do. More than likely i don't share the same thought so i do believe these people scarcely exist.

When talk about love, we also talk about TRUST and respect. I am not looking for someone better, i am searching for someone who respects and makes me a better person in future. It requires a huge amount of effort for two different people to synchronize. An unfortunately truth is that people are taking thing serious about the side benefits for one relationship, to make it simple,the physical attraction. I'm a grown-up now,  i don't simply accept people out of lonely or because of things i find physically attractive in them.

I just wish for a perfect path alignment from two different places in one relationship, which takes mutual effort.

And then, i'm not as lonely as you think i am.

I'm blessed with the number of friends i have, the opportunities i was given, and the single life, that allows me to achieve something i am in the middle of completing.

Till then,
An even rocking girl

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