Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Fur ball

It was another beautiful morning driving on the highway and was momentarily stunned when something caught her attention from far.

It looked as though a furball toy that must've dropped out of someone's car at the middle of road. She was on the middle lane. Taking a closer look as she drove nearer, to her surprise, it was a small little emaciated kitten, curling up in a ball looking anxious, waiting in fear, helplessly hoping someone would come to his rescue to escape from the dangerous situation. She felt him, the poor little's heart was beating so fast, suffering from that amount of discomfort and this brought tears to her eyes the moment she drove past the poor tiny him missing a chance that she could actually save a life.

She was struggling to help considering the worse consequences of pulling over at the side of road when the cars were moving too fast. He was right in the middle of the highway.The situation was beyond hope of rescue.

Imagine the utmost fear he feels deep down at the middle of road.
Inattenional blindness of drivers could cause him to lose his life in any second.
What would you react to this if you were that girl?

Feeling so apologetic with the fact that we can't despite the strong desire of wanting to help.

Similar thing applying in real life.
There's always something that prevent us from moving forward however strong we want to.

The fears, the worries, the relationships, the rules, the values, the beliefs...

Dogs that killed by police in public..
Cats tortured by human in public..
Animals slaughtered in public...

What if you were one of them?  Praying, hoping, and wishing for help when no one shows up to rescue but waiting for miracle which is rarely exist?

Realistically people are chaining themselves down to society's limitations rather than believing in themselves that they could actually make a change.


A question I often ask myself  too.