Monday, October 21, 2013

The gemstone and the rock

And fell into the river that runs,
A huge gemstone in front was all i found,
If it wasn't you,i would've drowned,
A beautiful melody,
I wouldn't know how it sounds.

Heavy downpours,
No longer a threat for my world,
I have you stopped me from falling,
Stuck in there,in the flowing river,
I dance in the breeze,
Without any worries.

Fast flowing water,
Never cease to flow through us,
Sooner the gemstone ends up with scratches,
No longer beautiful it can remain,
With the small little rock stuck with it,still,
That afraid flowing down from the hill.

With the guilt i feel,
I shall go,to where the river flows,
Leaving you behind to shine,
With no further scratches,
That this little rock has unwittingly caused.

Once again,this rock started her journey,
In this longest river that flows,
Leading her to one direction she'll never know,
Alone with her soul,
Looking up in the sky,with the sunshine,
Being brave and strong enough this time,
And.......I smile.

Written on 16Mar @5.26pm

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