Sunday, October 20, 2013

Post-celebration @The Journey

It was a day later for the celebration from this gang of girls.Today we went to The Journey Cafe to spend some great quality of time together over there. The cafe is actually located at the far end corner of the whole building so before you reach you have to walk pass a lot of bars and restaurants so do some location research to save some walking.

The entrance of the cafe ( Journey )

It feels more like an European dining place and the inner decor is quite satisfying. Stepping inside the wood flooring cozy cafe it gives you a warm pleasant feeling accompanied by the soft music with the simple lighting design especially at night, this is one of the best places i would recommend if you are thinking of where to bring your date for a light dinner. At least you can still have a couple walk in the park after the meal exploring the awesome landscaping (you can even find a wading pool at the other section for family) otherwise can go for a second round beer session enjoying the band music in one of the bars or shopping or whatever.

Prices are above average for the standard. As A La Carte is quite expensive for a big eater like us so we ordered a set inclusive of soup, appetizer, main course and dessert when there's a few choices for you to select and the whole thing will only cost you like RM25 nett for each person. Portion is fine and you will definitely get stuffed after the heavy main course before dessert.

Though it's costing a little money but this place is comfortable, special, and enjoyable !

 Two sets of selection, RM30 and RM25.

Soup : Mushroom soup
This mushroom soup is outstanding and the moment you dip the bread into the soup before you put it in your mouth.....HEAVEN
 Appetizer : Cheese Nachos
Damn this is my favorite - Cheese Nachosss ! But next time can i replace the tasteless mayonnaise with tartar sauce please?
Awesomeeeee!Main course : Carbonara Seafood

Birthday must have birthday cake ah!

What kinda new age bull shit is that? My 'cake' looks much cooler than any cakes you could think of tonight!

I stole this photo from my friend's album. They say i look emo.

Mind you, don't spend more money on lotsa colorful candles. I don't find it impressive lor. (XD) First, i blow RM10 away just in a few seconds.( I feel your pain). Second, deep down inside i'm cursing to have to blow out so many candles at once and this is damn tiring. One enough la, so many for what ? LOL!

Here's some photos. Most of them are attached.Sorry.
Strictly no guys allowed tonight because it's our LADIES' NIGHT!

My very very very super duper blur and close friend since high school.

My very very very super duper smart friend who loves travelling. She's going to HK for 2 weeks again why u never jioooo me? =( 

My super super duperly silly and pretty friend since primary school. We've been friends together for what? 20 years now? Still counting !

The two smartest in class during high school ! Oh yeah the girl at the middle is taller than me by 15cm! A super model! Super tall ! She is single and available! 

Sorry for stealing your photo from your album. Proof! Supermodel! 

Haha.....nice tattoo right? *Love. Not mine though.

Show you my gifts! Was so excited and started to feel giddy as i look at my birthday gifts tonight



Haha! Well thanks again my friends. Not only i want to show my appreciation to this group of friends but also others who organized the mini celebration for me with a small cake together with all the wishes. 


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