Friday, October 18, 2013

Thank you for the Wishes people !

I feel compelled to give a big shout out to everyone who wished me Happy Birthday yesterday !

It was amazing, not only for all the wishes from FB , but also a few calls at 12 sharp, or the calls i receive throughout the day even they are not in Msia, (to my surprise they still remember or it might be the notification from FB at least they make an effort to call just to wish me)  and i have one silly friend sent me an audio of him playing a song (not birthday song though) but only receiving the guitar version of it ( Bday song) the next day. Thanks la Shawn. So Silly =)

And yeah, David Tan ! Woohoo! Currently staying in Birmingham and prolly won't be back at least another couple of years. Well his birthday is on 17th which is a day earlier but we can actually celebrate on the same day because of the different timezones. Not bad, the first to wish me at 12 sharp and it was like....5pm (17th October) in UK when you were in the middle of celebrating over there? Yeah.. Thanks la David ! Happy birthday to you and me! I MUST, I WILL, and I CAN! Wonder if you still remember.

Thanks again for the over 100 wishes ME feeling so blessed to have received all the wishes from my close friends, my friends and some acquaintances (to be honest some i don't even know who are them) and with full of appreciation i replied every single of the wishes posted in my wall in the hope of letting you know that your one simple wish does mean a lot to me, and i guess this will be one of the top nicest things that i did this year. Cheh!

Seriously,i appreciate every single BD wish posted at my wall. Thanks for spending a few seconds to post though. 

I was kinda excited thinking of what to reply one by one until it started to get a little tiring of typing as i scrolled down,and then i saw this...

Another 100 posts to reply in the middle of night.

Disaster !!!

That's when they start replying my comments.
But they made my day!

Show you the best gift of the today, not a single cent spent.

Would you marry me ? With 4 lollipops? Really? @@

Sim is currently single and available. Give me a call if you need his contact.

Oh yea guys, remember, DIY 4 lollipops bouquet for proposal is not convincing at all. Well don't get the wrong idea. He is just one of my very close friends and forgive him for being a little too affectionate today.
I love this simple gift. Thanks la yea.!

And......Not forgetting Steve bought one little cake for me and left without waiting me to blow out the candle and make a wish.Sad case. 

Anyway, thanks again everyone. 

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