Monday, October 7, 2013

Love from FRIENDS

There are over 10 billions people in this world and no one have the obligation to treat you good or right, if you meet someone who treats you the way you can't even describe how lucky you are, you're truly blessed and you have to appreciate but not only remember their existence when you're lonely. I'm not talking about family members but those people that you meet throughout your life since you were little, since the day you started to talk and meet new people that soon become a friend of yours. And these people are important to be a part of the path you're building. Well one thing i think i'm so lucky to have all the wonderful people as my friends...they are so beautifully created to stay by my side making my life wonderful when i'm down.I have a bunch of them and i sincerely love them a great deal. They make me cry, make me laugh, make me feel safe, teach me a lesson, make me grow stronger, make me realize how fortunate i'm to be who i am, make me feel loved, cared, and so on. 

In those early days when i was extremely melancholy suffering from depression i'm glad that some people come into my life and say HI to light up my heart and wake me up from darkness. 

Call me whenever they are free to make sure i'm not alone. I can't find a reason to be sad with their dumbest jokes and riddles ever over the phone.
WA me each night to make sure i'm not crying myself to sleep, and greet me each morning when they wake up. (Sometimes i even receive a 'good morning!' at 1pm. == )
Play the songs i love with piano/guitar and send it over to my phone, i laugh out loud not because of the bad voice they have, but the heart that cares.
Drive to my place and bring me out even when i'm reluctant to join and prefer to stay at home.
Come and pick me up from work and bring me out for a drink no matter how late the time is.
Recorded an album with all my songs and play it in their car whenever i'm there inside.
Come to my house and spend the whole night in my room listening to me expressing all my frustration over the night and of course nobody likes to hear the same crap over and over again i know but the way they look at me attentively while i'm talking just to give the impression that they are following and listening, no words i can say to describe the appreciation i feel. 
Buy me a gift and mail it to my home address as a surprise that really warms my heart.
Buy me something special as a gift that delivers a very special meaning to stop me from giving up.
Send me some encouragement quotes and videos just to tell me " I am awesome".

They are different person who did all those just to make me smile but one thing similar which is they look annoyed and angry at times and appear concerned right after listening to the same craps and shits when i was quite a rebel refuse to take the advice.
They are so compassionate, so supportive, so caring, so thoughtful, so beautiful and 

They build up my self-confidence
They let me know how strong the love can be from a friend
They let me know i'm not alone 
They let me know life is wonderful 
They give me all the positive energy to live and stay happy.
They make me realize the love from a friend can be greater than the universe
They help me to see myself as a worthwhile person

There are so much still i wish i could say but most importantly, they let me know that i'm LOVED ! 
Though the journey takes a little longer but if it wasn't because of all these people, i would've lost my faith in god and still being a lost tormented break and crumble soul hiding in my self-imposed shell finding a way out.

Any single of you is priceless and precious to me.

 I wanted to tell you people, it's been great having you guys around and i really love every single one of you, you guys are the best to me.I would absolutely do the same if the shoes was on your feet. I've given you my word. I sincerely appreciate things that every single of you have done to me and i will definitely keep one of my birthday wishes for you guys to achieve whatever you guys want and wish for.

YOU, if you're reading this, don't worry, you're just one of them that i love and appreciate and you have one of my birthday wishes to wish for whatever you want.


Finally, i smile, because of having every single of you.


  1. Replies
    1. Yes I believe you will have friends like that too when you are sad. Thanks for liking anyways. 😄
