Saturday, October 5, 2013

Are you one of them that being picked on in class?

I dreamt about this girl last night but before that, i'm sure there's always someone in your class that everyone picks on during your younger age.

So, true enough. I have this girl in my class during my first 2 years of preschool. It was ME!. It's not my fault i don't have that round face with chubby cheeks, an overweight body and a brain of Einstein for scoring my Maths or Ejaan and i can never understand why people will only think fat kids are adorable and cute.Excuse me for being left-handed and skinny who looks weird in class.A bunch of jerks,so immature. LOL!
Not only this, i still remember that i spent the first half year sitting alone in-front of the class at the top corner of my classroom and imagine when we were asked to copy anything from the blackboard, that's when I have to carry my table and chair to a spot where i can read clearly and each time ended up getting all the unnecessary attention from students of other classes who passed by.
But there's a reason for this. I was having a big fight like monkeys fighting for coconuts with this girl and eventually i won that fight leaving her crying like a baby looking for mommy. Oh yeah, she's a good liar too! She retorted the fact and surprisingly everyone believes including my mom! (Hey mom come on i'm your daughter eh...). So i was literally isolated from the group of people for being "violent kid".(Dude serious? i never even throw bricks to her face and i was only 8 !) 
Worse, this teacher was with me for three years and that girl? She wins all the cares and attention from people but not the PRIDEEEEEE from me. But who cares?

Face the facts.Karma does exist. I started to believe that i was being a little rude to her during that day in preschool. And this time it was my first year of secondary and again i got picked on for being 'extremely tall' by a bunch of girls in my class. Yeah i'm left-handed, wearing big glasses, braces, skinny, 'extremely tall', tan skin...A lot of them in my class call me "airport" though i don't think they have big breasts too, it might have been funny the first couple of times but then it really started to get on my nerves.They also make fun of me being the only left-handed in class! Believe it or not i can use both hands to write, i'm just being humble to you douchebag! LOL

Back to the point, it was my biggest mistake in life for making a new friend who thinks she is a queen on earth, and sadly, i'm the one closest to her and i didn't know why until......

She accidentally drop her pen on the floor and she EXPECTS me to pick it up for her !

She crumbles a piece of paper and put it on my desk and EXPECTS me to throw it away for her !

We became close to a point where we can trust each other and share everything together when a day she asked if i could give her a piece of my collection as a gift (HELL NO OF COURSE THOSE COLLECTION ARE MY BABIES I CAN EVEN DIE FOR NOT PARTING THEM) and of course i have the right to say No and what next? She stopped talking to me for a few hours and that's the calm before the storm. She then threw a freaking tantrum and breaking all the things on her table including mine.Wow. Possession. Monster. Run ! 

Me : What's wrong with you Tan PXX CXXXX ! Do you think you're a queen or something? I'm not your slave and i have no obligation to obey a monster like you!  
Then she goes : I'm going to tell my sister about it ! Then cry.
Me : (Sister? Grandmother i also never afraid of you la.) Heart whispering.

Jialat. I kind of regretted the next day and wish i would have worded it nicely to stop her from crying because a lady came to my class, with her rolled up sleeves, chewing something inside her mouth like a typical gangster threatened to beat me up and passed a note to me later saying : You better watch out for bullying my sister.!

Walao What the fuck is going on with this world wor? Why people always lie and got me into trouble?
I later found out that her sister is one of the top paikia-s (gangster) who's having her last year in school with a lot of naughty gangs worship her or afraid to mess up with her for some reasons i wasn't interested to know. See how lucky am i having HER younger sister as my FRIEND! Let me just tell you i have to spend the rest of my days in school of first year treating her like master and sometimes have to kiss her ass (totally against my will) just to live in peace and make sure i'm safe going back home in one piece.By having to do this i even chastise myself aloud. I have been having a horrible first half year in school and good luck to myself whenever she and her gang passing by. When i try to tell my mom about my problem and wish i could change to another school, she will never believe and ask me to suck it up to be a tough girl in handling this normal issue. ( NORMAL? MOM IM BEING BULLIED AND YET YOU TELL ME IT'S NORMAL?) LOL
Sometimes i love my mom so much i can't explain why.

So this is that girl i dreamt about last night. God bless me she finally found someone "better" to be her friend the second year of sec, god bless the next victim and i'm totally free from serving a DEMON anymore and i met a lot of new and wonderful people in another class. I'm laughing and feeling grateful for having such 'great' experiences in school i can never forget. And i have no idea how these people that i have mentioned above are all now ended up in my FB friend list. Quite fun eh stalking and judging their photos. LOL.

Her name, i will never forget, Eloisa. *Evil Smile 

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