Thursday, October 10, 2013

I love Shanghai !

To be honest i never really liked to travel to China for some reasons.Part of it is because they are So-Asian country and that's my weird mentality i admit. Ive come across some typical China people but before you jump into a conclusion please, i'm not racist. I am chinese too! They are just so uneducately rudeeee! They can never learn how to queue forever trust me. They are loud, they shout when they talk, they are rude, they are impolite, they don't care about their image, they are so uncivilized, and most importantly, they love to spit !!!!!!! OMG! Why can't they just behave and take good care of their own country image ? Come'on! I'm chinese too don't put me into the same category as these typical China people. So that's the mindset of me to not traveling to the country of these people because i don't want to be one of them. I know i know, not all typical china people are acting the same way but MOST of them lor ! Feel sorry for those who feel ashame and guilty after hearing all the different stereotypes about the rude behaviors of their people.

Well back to the point, apparently there are few beautiful places in China are not like that. There are a lot higher standard education people who behave very well as compared to those who love spitting everywhere and turn a blind eye to their surroundings like Shanghai, Shanghai and Beijing. LOL!

Again, im just too lucky to be dispatched by company for a 3-nights inspection business trip with another one trainer (only two of us) in Shanghai the end of this year. Good to know that we have one room for each. At first i was like.....uhh.....China...why not Australia or UK (We have one coming up in London !) ..before i start searching and read more about this big city in China and realize that Shanghai is actually the greatest world's city and one of the coolest cities in this world with the specific 50 reasons. Really?

This view is familar..Oh yea looks exactly the same with the view i was enjoying during the time in Hong Kong's Hall of Fame (Xing Guang Da Dao )

So our new hotel, Shangri-La Hotel, Jing An was launched and already started operating like few months ago this year and is strategically located in the center of city and take a look outside the room window is all about the spectacular view of city skyline and skyscrapers..i have never been there before wait till i return i'll explain more into details. lol
So this time, my task is to go for an inspection and come back with a full presentation of this new hotel to let our people know every single detail and information that is important to their knowledge ( including mine) for our job purpose.

After checking out the photos i'm getting a little too excited now. But during the 4-days inspection trip i have to shift to different hotel every day (as we have three properties in Shanghai) and guess i have no time for my own to explore around for more valid reasons of WHY you should visit SHANGHAI. LOL

Nice isn't it? Ok should stop stealing those photos from internet i should by all means get some real nice pictures of it and posted it all up again to show you.

Now...I guess..

I love CHINA ! LOL!

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