Friday, October 25, 2013

Dear Malaysia

As much as we are given the right to speak up, i have the right to share out my thoughts and opinions to this society based on my true experience, which happened few hours ago.

It was 7 in the evening. I was driving on the road with average speed and was ready to apply the brakes as the traffic light queue started to form. Just when i was enjoying the song played from the radio, a loud sound interrupted and as i looked into rear view mirror i saw a malay motorcyclist riding with an abnormal position with his left hand clutching the rusted steel rod revving the bike and speeding from far then it came to my safety high alert the moment we accidentally exchange uncomfortable glances. He started to go slow infront of me and i was all ready to slam on the brakes awaring each and every of his movement. He turned his head back a few times when i realized my car was the only one moving on the same lane, even worse, i was about to reach the queue thinking what if i'm his targeted victim. Some imagination started to play at the back of my mind with my heart beating so fast.

I drove very slow hoping any cars nearby would overtake my vehicle to avoid any possible chances of me being one of the unfortunates.

To my relief, the motorcyclist didn't stop and thank god he accelerated his bike and vanished in thin air after a few seconds. I took a deep breath, relieving, and continue my journey.

And now, I have a message for you.

Dear Malaysia,

You are no longer a safe place to for us to stay anymore. We always running into the risk being one of the victims of kidnapping, snatching, raping, and worse.....killing. I don't have high hopes for you to be one of the fully civilized country but at least, make it a safer place for us to stay. Sadly to say government have unwittingly made you a heaven to criminals. Poor you.

Some capable Malaysian are trying every possible way to move out of this country and i would absolutely do the same if i had a chance, to avoid the fearful thought of walking alone at the street, driving alone in the road, sharing the elevator with stranger, holding my wallet when paying, answering a phone call in public, taking a cab go home middle of night, or end up being arrested or jailed for 'freedom of speech'. Crimes happen everyday and everywhere until the extent i have to wake up each morning crossing my fingers hoping i would come home safely in one piece every night.

Apparently people are taking sides although we are living together with diversity and this is one of the main reasons encouraging the greater number of repeat criminals. If you know what i mean.

Government could have done something better to reduce the increasing number of crimes each year. No?
But..."Why bother?"

"Ubah?" I have quite a bit of scorn over this simply word Malaysian used to passionately shout it out loud to the country.

Not making a change to the country, but making a change in yourselves.
An image of country formed based on rakyat's behavior.
No point shouting for a change when you refuse to change yourself from being a country trouble-makers.

I don't want to live in fear anymore. I will leave, in a day, to live peacefully in other country with my family, I'm sorry, Malaysia, nothing i can do but to leave you to deteriorate further as no one is capable taking care of you.
One thing, Malaysian are capable. It's your big loss for making us leave making an economic contribution to other country. At least, our safety is guaranteed and the number one priority to others.

Dear rulers,
Before you blame us for leaving the country, please open your eyes widely see what have you done to this country causing it deteriorates even further.

And again, I am proud to be Malaysian, meanwhile i have to accept the fact that it's no longer a place that can guarantee our safety unless someone better willing to fight until the end and able to take good care of you.

RIP to those victims yesterday who lost their lives due to government's incapability and lacking the sense of responsibility in taking good care of the society's security.

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