Saturday, September 28, 2013

How are you? Tommy and Timmy

My Tommy lies over the ocean
My Tommy lies over the sea
My Tommy lies over the ocean
Oh, bring back my Tommy to me.....

I dreamt about you both, Tommy is having a baby (Wow congratulation Tommy!) while Tim has grown up so much so big with that beautiful hard shell swimming happily in the pond. I woke up to reality realizing you both aren't there with me anymore and yeah, sorry for paying the last visit two years ago until now. You both still in my heart, and will always be in my heart.

I wrote a poem for you both the beginning of this year and now i have it posted here to let you both know that i really miss you both. I really do.

Oh! My Tommy,
She looks so funny.
When she lays on her back,
Trying to turn herself over.
Oh!Dear Tommy,
She goes rock climbing.
The wall,the marbles,
To whatever can make her our of water.

She's the last survivor,
Trapped in a haze of fear.
As i watch her, i begin to wonder,
If i should take her home.
When days turn into months,
With Timmy,her new partner,
She is getting so much bigger.
Her shell is getting worrisome,
Which is a bad sign to show.
Two years since we met,
Tommy is gone now.
Replaced by memory,
But,she will be dearly missed,forever.

To my Tommy, and the cute little Timmy.

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