Friday, September 27, 2013

Don't stop walking

"Good things are coming down the road, just don't stop walking."

I used to tell this to myself during the worst of my life feeling like crap head to toe and now, i believe something like that does exist, something like the flip side of what you have been through after a lesson was taught. Standing still without making a step forward will only keep you caught up in the life of someone who's already doesn't care or doesn't even remember who you are and ultimately this is pointless as you gain nothing and you lose even more good things that are coming your way.

Going through one stage to another is never easy as you get over every speed bump with your car. It requires faith and determination in yourself to keep the spirit going without caving in.*Tough. I am glad i made it least few more steps to be there. I couldn't believe how the hell i got through it and being where i am this moment.I don't even dare to imagine.

September has been good to me.October will be even better i believe.My luck is there. I'm just too grateful and am so psyched about the lucks and few opportunities given within the month. God has given every best he could to me just to see me smile so i really find no reason to be sad or become emotional over nothing at all anymore. I will put aside all the negativity to make the great things god has done to me become worthwhile.

I just want to tell you, i really appreciate things that happen regardless of how good or bad because believe it or not, thing happens for a reason, and normally it leads a better way for future.

Give me some more time, i promise.

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