Saturday, September 21, 2013

Beach Getaway

Sometimes i think, there's no place is better than beach to find pleasure.Barefooted on the white sand beach with the unobstructed view of the sea,occasionally with some boats you can see from a distance,it is so much easier to put aside all the overwhelming troubles by the presence of those.I wish i could live near to the sea, the beautiful...the wind....the haunting call...making me weak...a pawn to such wonders...


That's the reason why we are here this time.My thought turned to the similar moment i had 4 years ago and i really hate that for leaving me with the memories of it and thankgod now that the bad thing has faded into the darkness.With all the flash-backs and after so many years i can't believe how much i have made myself forget.

The birthday song catches her off guard when it was our idea bringing the cake over to the beach before i strum the birthday song with my guitar and having the rest to sing along.That moment seems magical with the strong wind blowing as the waves dancing along with all the people clapping and shouting making the whole thing becomes memorable.It was a super early birthday celebration to show how much we love you Fishy =).Well me and this girl? Quite Sien lar as we have been sharing the same school since we were little,primary,secondary,college,damn i'm still seeing her almost every week right now! LOL!

With such short notice that's the best we can do for the surprise..

This is my favorite pic !

 I love beach.I love sea.I love listening to the whisper that comes into my ears whenever the wind blows, i'm a pawn to it's haunting call', this sentence sounds so familiar i can't remember where i hear this from.If god granted me a wish,i'd wish for a simple house nearby the sea, waking up at dawn where the new beginning starts,playing with my dog in the evening on the beach, laying at there listening to the wave,and playing guitar to lure the day into bed under the moonlit sky,counting stars until i fall asleep,repeating the same thing each and everyday.

Perfect Life isn't it ?


  1. Last picture speaks a lot! Beautiful! I love it :) Looking at you guys having so much fun made me question myself, "why aren't I there??" Hahaha! Never to miss another outing :(! haha..

  2. yea you should join us ! Its okay we still have lotsa trips coming up and will defo ask u along you have no way to say no!
