Sunday, March 18, 2012


"In life's toughest moments,i have always found solace by returning to the simple things in life.That is one sure way to get in touch with happiness,if only for a moment.It could involve a leisurely drive on a free highway,just taking in the natural beauty and wonders of nature.It is difficult to be unhappy when you watch a butterfly,see a mother bird feeding her babies,view a field of wildflowers,see the bright sky full of clouds,or observe the unique beauty in your surroundings.
Another sure way to reacquaint myself with happiness is to place myself in the company of music.They always there helping you to get rid of the stress and unhappy thoughts,occupying your time by giving you something to play to kill your time and for a moment forget about the unpleasant thought and fact,build back up my confidence to face the world.Somehow,in the presence of such wonder,it is easy to put aside whatever troubles or problems may have overwhelmed me in life.Only then it is simple to realize that there are far more important things in life.
Happiness is a state of mind,It is making a conscious decision that no matter what befalls us in life,we have a choice to have a positive attitude and be happy for the experience.Happiness is appreciating what you have and continually giving thanks to be living a life of wonder and an amazing adventure."

*Dont blame about everything seems not right and going so wrong to you,because we always have a choice to choose,to want to be happy,or keep on being a pessimist spending your life complaining and blaming.


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