What's the point of chasing after luxury goods when you know nuts about ways of determining the authenticity? Instead of paying 2K with the risk of getting replicas purchasing from website why not going to the shop flipping your credit card over to the counter and walk away with the bag like a boss?
Highest grade of replica-s can be around 1K so if you're dumb enough to get fooled people around you are dumb enough to believe it's a real thing too. So why bother keeping up with luxury trends chasing after a 100% genuine product when you can't even afford to pay for a premium grade bag?
The top 3 highest grade of replica are Premium, Super A, and 7A+, and the price ranging from 500 - 1500 or more depending on the material and quality. These grade are actually targeting those buyers who want to keep themselves up to trend but on a tight budget.
Top Premium is the one closest to the original in terms of look, color, size, quality, materials and look very much like the original ones.The starting price for top premium grade can be around RM800 - 900.
Super A or grade 1:1 is the one with the slightly low cost as compared to the top premium. The percentage of similarity is 99% to original. The starting price can be around RM500.
Grade 7A+ is normally the discounted item from the previous grade due to minor defects ( stitching alignment, quality, color and material at a lower percentage of similarity. ( Some grade 7A+ products come with care card and dust bag too)
Replicas that you can normally find from the wholesale a.k.a lelong market
Grade 3A, 2A and A , targeting buyers who want something similar at the same time value for money.
You can find bags with those grade with a price below RM500. Quality, material, size and color will be around 70-80% similarity to the original. If a bag with a specific logo being sold at a price below RM100 ( or we call it counterfeit products ) don't bother to waste money on getting one of those. It's either being painted to replace the lining on the bag or being made using those super cheap materials just to look exactly like the real one without emphasizing on the comfort and convenience usage of buyers.
If you're a rich fella, even if you buy a fake product people would still think it's original,
But if you look poor to others, you save so hard just to get one original handbag,
people would still think that it's fake on you.
So why bother chasing after the 100% authentic products when you need to spend more on classy clothes and shoes just to match the confusingly similar bag that most of the people would not be able to tell if it's real? Even if you pay like a whopping thousand for a premium grade bag which is the highest grade to replicate the original it is still NOT the original ones and only 1 out of 100 of people would be able to determine the authenticity of the product. ( ok lah make it 2 ).
You don't have to spend on luxury goods to make yourself look 'expensive',
Buy cheap, and dress like a classy lady,
You can easily look like one with a proper way of dressing.
* I may not be entirely correct with the information written everything is just based on my research and knowledge over years.
* I may not be entirely correct with the information written everything is just based on my research and knowledge over years.
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