Sunday, January 5, 2014

5 years

I have a dream waiting to achieve and will try every possible way to make them come true. I'll do my 100% of best for hard work but i'm here just needing a little bit of luck from god. I'll do whatever it takes to become one. *Finger crossing.

One of the issues bothering me most is that, IM 25 ALREADY THIS YEAR OMG!

To me, people will only start to discover and explore things they want as they're entering their early 20s
( X < 25 ), like myself, and that's when they start to figure out what they really want to do with their lives. We all have hit the point where we are not able, or fail to figure out what exactly we want to do with our lives. Try to ask yourself, what can you see yourself in 5 years time? (A common question from interviewers) But maybe you should really start asking your inner soul, what will you be in 5 years time? End up in the next phase of life or staying stuck at the present doing the same job holding the same position and getting the same pay from the same company?

As a matter of fact no one can exactly know what they are going to be in 5 years because what they thought they'd do/be most likely end up with something different.

I ain't smart, i don't have as much luck to get what i dream of, i always put in 100% effort because i don't born with that natural talent and experience like most of them do.It's all about hard work over the years.

Those are the 10 things contributing to what will i be in 5 years time. ( at least the direction is there )
In 2014, i will want to:

1) Be realistic
2) Love comes second
3) Money is not everything in life
4) Think far in the future
5) Step out of the comfort zone and get ready for the challenges
6) Sacrifice necessary for progression ( eg money and leisure time )
7) Improve whatever i'm learning (language, writing, music) 
8) Care less and stop competing
9) Breakthrough the self-imposed shell
10) Climb!........................the ladder, uhmm wait..slight discrepancy is there in the list, look at the first one, thought you want to be realistic jessyca?

It takes time to come out with the list. I don't list out things that i can't or not capable to achieve within the year.

But i have a dilemma,
just before that a simple question,

Would you chain yourself down to the society's expectation ( like do whatever it takes for a decent position / promising career ) or just pursue your dream ( unrealistic ) before it's too late and let go whatever you're possessing for nothing in future?

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