Thursday, October 3, 2013

I am Awesome

It was a great night,
Under the beautiful sky,
With the precious gift i hold so tight,
I just want to see you smile.

Can't remember when was the last fight,
And the tears came i have no way to hide,
Asked you to stay but no matter how hard i tried,
You shake your head and left me in despair.

The next day you escaped to a place,
Erasing even the slightest trace.
And I called you that day you left,
"Good bye" was all you have to say.
In the state of defeated,
Falling into the darkness,
With my broken armor.

[Below are all copied from the video]
And NOW i know....

I'm precious, I'm a diamond, rose, pearl,
The most stunning of all god's creation.
I'm worth more, than i could ever imagine.
My worth, surpasses All earthly things,
I'm loved, and worth dying for.

And any of the voices in my mind that try to tell me differently,
are from the enemy.
I will tell them, not me Satan, I'm the daughter of the living god,
Cherished, Loved, Adored above all things.

I will never forget.
I worth more than anything you can ever think of, including you.
Because of you, I am who i am right now.
I'm sorry i have to disappoint you by getting much stronger now.
Stronger than you can ever imagine.

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