Monday, October 14, 2013

14th Malaysia Industry Award 2013

It's gonna be a post of photos with less words.

I myself have seen a lot of red carpet event (from tv) like Oscar Red carpet, Fashion red carpet, Grammy's red carpet, Wedding red carpet, TVB Awards red carpet, and my house red carpet...And today, finally it's my turn on the red carpet of the 14th Malaysia Industry Award 2013. Yay! *Round of applause

 Honestly tonight not that i want to be tall, i have no shoes to wear so i got sister to agree in borrowing me one of her 4 inch heels...*Wow.....I feel so weird walking in the crowd where i can see the top of their heads moving.

Well okay, first, looking at this picture of mine. What's wrong?

"Oh that tummy?" By Kenneth
"Oh you pregnant?" By A Meng
"Ehh why you stand like A gua...?" By Wei Kiong
"You look a bit fat." By Steve Ho.

Sad lar.....=(

Honestly, my pose looks a bit weird and my stomach tummy? NO! That's because of the light okay people! LOL. And but...yeah maybe......contributing.... just a little. HAHA. But come on people, at least everything is in 100% without filtering okay. Hahahahaha

Yea la....still a little....

I love all of them but eventually i go for the black dress so that i can look more elegant with that 4 inch heels.

Not much comments about the event tonight. Tonight our previous prime minister is here too for a speech. And....nothing else. Image quality is so-so because i was using my phone without bringing my DSLR this time.

Bye !

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