Saturday, September 7, 2013

The cruel reality of the North Korean Government-NK Gulag

Words below are all copied from the video.
Just a real sad tragedy you may find it interesting to know more about.
For more information you can visit

"Happiness, grudge, love, unhappiness, resistance, pleasure but those had been unheard of.Since i came to south Korea, i have figured out the meanings of those words.Those words do not exist in the political prison camp." Shin Dong Hyuk survivor from camp no.14.

"In Political Prison Camp, political prisoners must take off their identity as a human being, but be brainwashed with an idea : I am a beast.
This is the ultimate intention of Kim II Sung and Kim Jong II, the men who established the political prison camps." -Survivors from north korea political prison camp (Yong Gok Lee) said.

500grams of corn a day , over 12 hours of labor, and all they want to do is to have food to eat.
Rats,insects,snakes,worms,and any kind of things they could find digging in the dirt.

In terms of household items, they provide prisoners with a black square laundry soup once in a while.a sanitary tower for 3 years for female prisoners and 2 toothbrushes.
"However prisoners tend not to have energy to wash their body." a formal political prisoner said.

"In every morning people were terrified of saying that : "someone got caught,that guy was shot.!" and so on."Lee Young Kok former prisoner from camp No 15.

The rules are as below:
  1. Do not attempt to escape
  2. Never gather in group of over 3 people or move around without guard's authorization
  3. Do not steal
  4. Blindly obey your guards
  5. If you see outsiders, or suspicious-looking people, report them immediately
  6. Keep an eye on your fellow prisoners and report inappropriate behavior without delay.
  7. Completely fullfill your assigned duties.
  8. Men and women should not be together outside the workplace
  9. Admit and confess your wrongdoings.
  10. The punishment for violating camp regulations and rules is being shot.

People vanishes in the camp
Choi Seung Hee 
Created modern dance in the 1930.Just because of her dance was decadent and was not suitable for the realities of socialism, she was imprisoned in a political prison camp in Bukchang.

Shun Bul Chooi, a comedian
he was a famous comedian during during the japanese colonial period.However just because he satirized the north korean situation at that time, he was imprisoned in Yoduk Political Prison Camp.

Park Seung Jin, a soccer coach
He and his players on the team lost a game against Purtugal in the world cup in england in 1966 becauser they drank and partied before the game.Thereafter he was imprisoned in Yodeuk Camp

Kang Hong Sik
grandfather of south korean actor Choi Min Su
He became a famous director in North Korea.Later because he was supposedly a disturbance against the idolization of Kim II Sung, he was imprisoned in Yoduk Camp.

21 members of the North Korean Cheering Squad
They visited south korea for the international sports game in 2002 and 2003.However they broke a pledge that they would never talk about what they saw and heard in south korea so they all were imprisoned in political prison camp.

Click in the link below and spend your 10 minutes to watch:

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