Monday, September 30, 2013

He is all i used to be

There's a guy sitting in front of me, all alone, probably already there for more than an hour before me. He was reading newspaper at first, he put it back to the shelf, went back to his table, sipping his hot cup of coffee, occasionally checking his phone before he started unpacking his bag and placing all the books and papers on his table.

Is that my reflection? I ask myself. No...he looks happy and slight raising the edge of his upper lip whenever he checks his phone. I am sitting at here playing with my phone too and pretend to text so I don’t look like a loner at here. I know i have all the best people in world who are always there for me when i need them, but there's always a time you scroll from top to bottom then back to top of the list and ended you whisper :"Forget about it i just need some sleep."

Then i met someone at here, David Yeoh, just a casual talk for a while and's nice to meet him at here what a coincidence after more than two years.Well, Time flies.

He is all i used to be.
But now, i'm even happier than how i used to be.
October, be good to me.I know you will.

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