Saturday, June 29, 2013


The first reaction by most of the people : YER......poetry,so boring..

Having a habit waking up checking my phone screen in the middle of nap,night or whenever i'm sleeping.

Received a notification from twitter,from a friend,saying:

"How come your video was shared by fabrications by Antonni on facebook wor?"

Then i found this,
My first reaction was like :"Finally.(Yay!)..But where did they get my video i didn't even posted that on youtube?"
But of course i was damn happy and excited with the title showing "Suppork a Local Chiobu Songwriter" (obviously that's a writing style of someone from Singapore).
It took me a while to realize one of the comments showing someone actually giving me 120% of support (kinda overacting) and obviously it isn't because of the music i've wrote.

Just thinking how nice if only others would appreciate what i write (poems, lyrics, songs or whatever).For as long as i can remember i've wanted to write something i myself have gone through to share with anyone my personal thought in an 'artistic' (uhm..) way for anyone else going through the same situation.Or maybe it just me who always get so carried away reading lyrics and poems by other writers when the content pretty much close to my real life story.But i kinda notice that people show scant interest in reading it MAYBE my writing content looks too forced or not creative enough for reaching out people-owh how sad...=(


Someone may find it awful or laugh at anything i write but just so you know i never gonna say i'm perfectly good at writing (in fact i don't think i could ever write something perfect) anything it just purely a way to express myself when i don't have anyone to share.

Not that i'd want to be special, better, or rather outshine others by acting way like Confucius coming out with all the wise philosophies teaching people from wrong to right (Guess i'm overrated myself LOL) but it can magically conquer my inner war,much in a way.

One of the reasons i love it because perfect grammar is not necessary when it comes to poetry where i can use those punctuation freely and honestly i ain't well trained with that (i'm one of those who suck at using grammar) and sometimes i am not certain what i should use. If you're expecting flawless grammar from my poetry sorry to say you're at a wrong page right now.

Writing poetry does help me feel better in many ways so i really don't mind if you don't like reading it but i hope it helps you a little if you're going through anything like mine.At least,i feel better each time after writing a poem as though i just dug out something that's in hurting my heart transform them into words and throw it on a piece of paper.

Cheers to that.

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