Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Virus !

.Have you ever heard about this kinda virus called Herpes Simplex Virus? It also known as Human Herpes Virus and it categorized as HSV 1 and 2,which is something that can seriously infect human.They are both contagious. They can be spread when an infected person is producing the virus. After living for 21 years, only to find out i might 'potentially' be one of the HSV carriers but hey, this isnt any life threatening or major virus but just one of the common viruses exist in our body.The symptoms of transmitted HSV include water blisters in the skin or mucous membranes of the mouth, lips, or genitals.There's a lot of scientific and medication languages which i can actually copy down and paste it here but i choose not to do that as i only want to write things that i betul understand. Interested to know how we finally found out it's actually something that transform for a small little ulcer to a minor virus?

A friend of mine has few ulcers in his mouth and lips, it gradually increase until the number rises up to 4,or rather 5,and it still increasing. Few of it are shaped like kinda watery blister which hurts him so badly. Checking through the internet to see if that's curable and what astonished us is that it's actually one of the viruses that get transmitted super easily by an infected individual to another. He just too "bad luck la" to have all the symptoms written in the articles which convinced us of the chances involving in some viruses transmission that actually need an immediate medical attention.Well it's just one of the minor viruses exist in our body so NO BIGGIE. CHILLAX.

Conclusion : Neither of us are carrier or transmitted by HSV. The outbreaks usually caused by the weak immune system ( as our body are new to this kinda virus ) and perhaps the uncertainty of weather condition that might contribute a little of the outbreak.

So pay a little more attention when you grow a small little ulcer in your mouth.

Another one interesting to share, I usually have cold sores at least twice in a year.
Not pain at all but you can actually feel like some blister is growing on your lips.

Treatment? It says that this HSV 1 never leaves once he entered your body,FML.

Good night.!

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