Friday, June 6, 2014

Well my day got off to a rough start. Not that I'm complaining about my workload but these people should really come out with a good time management and equal distribution to make our lives easier. Anyhow I have a feeling ain't no one gonna do something about it. Sometimes I really have this thought like I can lead better. I can really figure out tons of ways and solutions to our management problems that can work very well. Lol. This day I was asked to conduct the daily briefing session, to give you an idea how our daily briefing usually goes is that, everyone will be scheduled to a specific time and gather at the usual spot for the management updates and you can voice out your opinions and dissatisfaction too if you wish to share among these people, our director, managers and supervisors will be joining the session too. For some reasons I have a bad feeling that 'me conducting the session' will be a long term thing, though. Because I did some minor mistakes on the sequences and I have this one person that I usually dislike giving me all sorta expressions that I feel like throwing bricks to his face. Normally I will just shrug it off and won't get it too offensively with those harsh words that are solely intended to me and my team but today, I'm having a bad day too so he is obviously messing up with a wrong person. I might seem to him as a person who won't easily get offended because often time I ain't give no shits to his nonsense. When today he did the same to me, now that I think of it, I was too foolish to just walk away without giving hi any responses. I have lotsa words in mind I wish to tell him off but guess it's too late now. Is it me or when anyone of you are into that situation of getting embarrassed or too angry you just can't think of anyone else to say and choose to just walk away until you think back how silly you are to should not have just DO nothing making yourself a loser to the other? Goddamnz.

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