Thursday, June 5, 2014

For some reasons I remembered this one thing that I've always seen from movies where those people made a time capsule and have all their stuff like love letters, books, toys, or any small little things you can think of filled in it until few hundred thousand years later someone will come along and dig it up to know the way people from our time used to think and live. I'm kinda excited with this whole idea so I bought myself a regular size of a cute box and started to get so serious about thinking what items I can actually put in. Or maybe, my diary and some of my selfies? So that people in the future who dig it out will somehow wonder how could a sentiment and wonderful girl like me ever exist in few hundred years ago? Haha. I'm just trying to be positive before I go to bed, to make sure I'm sleeping with a good mood tonight. Insomnia no more. Yeah! So anyhow, hopefully whoever finds my time capsule will travel back in time and tell me how awesome and how pretty a girl like me do actually deserve more than I think I can and have been wasting my time being so emotional and negative when I already have so much more things to appreciate with. :) nighty night.

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