Wednesday, June 4, 2014

I've been surfing net the whole day to pin those stuff that I want to my Pinterest that I WISH to buy but it's either too expensive or too hard to get for myself. I never come out with something like "to-buy-list" In my notebook because if I do, it will be about a mile and a half long. As this cool lipstick from loreal came across ( rose mademoiselle ) with this title saying every girl deserves the best look of their own, and from what I've gone through so far, I think they are right. Well after spending so much time at work for the past few days and came home so late, I was really looking forward to kicking back and doing nothing for this coming day off. The problem with staying home during your day off is that you ll be asked for any favors whenever they see you available ( doing nothing at home ). I just want to stay at home and clean up my room blasting some rock songs from my both speakers but then right away I was asked to pick up my sister from the station, which is not kooeelll she can actually just take a cab that won't cost her more than 10 bucks on that 15 minutes car ride. I was all comfortable, didn't wish to make a move and tried calling her to offer that best idea but no luck. If only one thing you know about mothers, their words are an order that you can never say no. I'm not sure it's only me or what I will never dare to say no when my mom is asking any favors from me, just because I think we are obligated to do anything that bring asked by our parents. It's getting late now I'm blogging this using my phone in dark - which is something I always do cause I just love to write before I sleep to make sure I didn't miss out anything to share before I go to bed. The light from the screen is hurting my eyes gues I should really stop now. Nights :)

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