Tuesday, June 3, 2014


The most frustrating fact is that when you’re in a café buying a special cute drink for yourself ready to work with you laptop, the wifi is not working.

Can they pay me back my 20 bucks then?


James Morris Cotterill aka James Yang, no idea? okay..maybe...the song called : Long Time No See? That husky voice that stays in your mind right after you listen to this song and trying to figure out who can possibly possess that distinctive voice that a singer usually find it hard to mimic?

The reason why i choose him to talk about as an example because, lol, yes, he looks super cute to me.

I'm impressed by not only his flawless looking but also his determination and the courage, to go after his dream even if he had to make that big sacrifice to reach his goal.
Because of his dream, he loves to sing, a top law student from University College London quit his highly paid job from one of the insurance companies and went to Taiwan just to pursue his dream - to sing on the stage

Now I have a rather different perspective in life

I used to be more concerned about the salary, position, and any that make me looks good and capable than other, rather than what I’m really passionate about.
But now that I know,  nothing greater than happiness and self-achievement, thing that's essential for life that you can never buy with money.  The amount of salary and the position you’re working as don’t define and determine how great how capable a person you are unless you’re exactly doing what you love and giving it your best in that particular task.

“Go for your dream.” 
That’s what I often tell people.

To me, a loser in life is those who live under society or family expectation no matter how great their title or amount of salary they are earning a month. That’s just my personal opinion they are living up to everyone’s expectation and being a follower of the society and do exactly what a normal people would do.  They are too afraid to chase their dream worrying about what people think and say about them. Or worse, i'm sorry for those people who have legitimate talents but don't wish to pursue when they are being more concerned of the pay.

One thing you have to know, no matter how capable, how smart, how pretty, how wealthy you are in this life, everyone is going to die one day. We are all gonna end up like this with no exception. People will only remember you until the day you die. What will you get in the end?  Nothing.  I mean you can’t bring your money your car or your house together with you when you die right? Every human will end up with nothing regardless. You life is completely empty and wasted if you’re just working so hard to earn money with something you never find happiness from it. What about those who follow and go for their dream? Making full use of their talents and giving it their best to achieve what they want in their lives? At least they have achieved their own ultimate goal, something that’s truly belong to themselves because we human, we have own life to live for ourselves, we are hundred percent in control of our own lives to do what we want and go to the places we belong to.

I went out with this girl this day who is desperately looking for a job but not knowing what she really wants to do. Then I ask her the purpose of changing company.

She said : My salary is fine but I will not getting any chances to get promoted in my own company, I need to jump to a better company, just anything that allows me to earn a bigger title or higher salary. My friends are all now either supervisor or manager, I can’t take it staying in the same level when im here for more than so many years.

On a side note, she is not working in the company with the job that she is fully passionate with, or rather, a completely different major field from what she had studied in college. She hated her job obviously.
I then asked her why not joining a company that’s related to her major. She has not much commitments and no financial problem at all by the way.

She frowned, and replied : No. Because I will end up earning lesser than what I’m earning now and I don’t want to go for a job that people don’t think it’s cool. How about you?

To be honest my job is not my passion, but it allows me to have plenty of time to do what I love.

My job is paying me to do what I love, but not paying me from what I love to do.
Okay this is complicated. I'll try to make it most unsubtle way possible :

I'm financially supported by my current job to do what i love as another side income/passion.
Got it?

If I was to change job or being promoted in position and salary with the tasks and responsibilities I don’t have passion with it, no matter how tempting they are to me I will end up feeling like a big burden on my shoulder and will definitely loss the flexibility in time ( one thing i like about it is i fly alot because of my company ) and of course, I will be completely tied up by my schedule and need to work overtime each day, contributing most of my time at work and again, things will be different if you love your job you feel like that’s literally what you want and look for in your life.

I didn’t say it to her but am thinking she is such a loser in life and should feel sorry for herself. She is basically like no other people, working and earning until the end of her life without realizing what’s her main purpose of living until the day she dies, she literally brings nothing but only regrets for not making full use of her life given by god and if she is being asked of what have she done in her entire life that she feels so proud of by the god, her answer, trust me, would be absolutely nothing.

A winner, is a person who dares to chase their dream, be it an emcee, a singer, a model, a dancer, a writer, or a traveler, they are those creative dreamers who dare to find their way and get it out from the world, they have the courage that other people usually don’t have, they have the strong determination and faith to trust themselves that they are different, and keep continue doing it because they believe they can.

I remember i've written something similar to this,

Everyone’s talking at his back for quitting his job as an accountant, previously an ACCA holder, earning an ideal amount of salary, who decides to leave everything behind and start his solo traveler journey which prolly ends up earning nothing at the end.

I asked him why,
He answered : 
No, I never regret, I’m happy with what I’m doing because my goal in life is to travel around the countries I have listed down when I was young, I will bring a journal with me anywhere to document it down. I get to travel and do some part-time around in those countries to survive, I may end up nothing the moment I return but I will eventually learn the way to be more independent and gain more experiences of travelling and yeah, I just want to look back with no regrets by fulfilling my own dream and do what I really want in my life. I’m responsible of my own life I need no one to judge or tell me what’s right or wrong  to do with my own life.

He then sent me a text message :

“You are not obligated to anyone more so than you are to yourself.”

Such a wiser.His words inspired me.

Then I was told by another friend at the middle of discussing this, she said :

I couldn’t agree more, only if you’re doing something you truly passionate with.

A winner, is someone who dares to dream and go for it and never let their fear or insecurity to stop them from trying it. They believe in themselves and dare to make a change.

"The ultimate dream in life is to be able to do what you love and learn something from it."
Jennifer Love Hewitt

The best feeling in life is to look back with no regrets.

I won’t find it surprise if many of you don’t share the same thought. Perhaps, that’s what the society has taught us the moment we were born.

Sorry this is getting a bit too long. 
Hope you find your way and what's best in your life that's worth your sacrifices doing it.


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