Tuesday, June 3, 2014


I like to write my journal at night just before i go to bed to make sure i go to sleep with a positive mood. Every night i try to write in my journal, i'll start with three things that i'm grateful for during the day. Writing journal is like one of the steps i take in my life to make myself more positive and yeah, it has helps a lot when i was having those days in my life during the past few months.

 I've been writing in journal ever since i was a little girl and i always stay in the habit of writing in journal just because i feel like its really the old-fashion yet meaningful way to document your life but the thing thats different from writing a blog is that, in my blog i only write about emotional stuff to let some steam off when living your life with all the negativity around can be so chaotic.
i try to be positive for just about everything even though i have like a crappy day ( which is a complete disaster ) i try to find that positive thing out of that day and write about it just so there's always positive vibes to switch thing a little up making myself believe that life is one big beautiful ride you just need to make your own choice and believe it that you're always right with your own decision regardless.

You should never regret any mistake if you eventually learned something from it. 
Mistakes are meant to happen just for the better thing to come.

Till then,
Bu byeeeeeee

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