Monday, June 2, 2014

Maybe i should find a new method to stop dreaming about you.

Okay i should make this kinda emotional post my last entry in my blog. At least, not repeating the same issue because negative stuff always surrounding me i just feel the need to spill it out, purging those emotions on the page, some sort of remedies for relieving stress. Last night again, i was miserable, depressed, confused, disoriented, all the negative emotions you name it. I never fail to remind myself over time that things have to fall apart to make ways for better things.

Is it true?

But where are my "better things" after so long of my significant whatsoever that has "fallen apart" ?

Come on Monday, must you really unload all this crap onto me today? Why not wait until tomorrow when i don't have to come work and so bothered by all the negativity.

Blame that dream that haunts me since last night. Or perhaps, i should blame myself for posting this up each and everyday, unwittingly made some past events formed at the back of my head and subsequently becomes a dream that reveals the truth of my present state of thinking. Some theories state that dreams are a way in which we release stress.
Well,  Fair enough.

I woke up weeping, for the dream i can barely remember when the strong feeling stays. I sit on my bed and try every possible way to remember the details. Sometimes I wish I could stop the time, just so I can sort things in my head without wasting it. Sorry if you have to read this. Somehow i feel much better each time finishing a post like this.

Anyway, i'm glad that i still able to smile because of this.

Thanks bae. Oh yea, and this really make my day.. 

Exclusively for you :) Smile :) 
From my workforce manager.

Thanks for being concerned about me. 
*Blows kisses 

Not forgetting this stuff given to me as a gift from a friend this night who send me back home. Awww love it thanks! 

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