Sunday, June 1, 2014


I miss the car you used to drive me around in the town looking for a cup of hot chocolate with that song by Kelly Clarkson playing in the car. 

I miss sitting in the car waiting for the garage door in the car basement to open up revealing to the cold weather outside the house before we heading out with no specific destination.

I miss the brisk walk early in the morning watching those elderly couple strolling in the park.

I miss celebrating my mom's birthday in the Salmon house up in the hill when it got colder at night with those stars started to shine so bright in the darkness of space. 

I miss holding a cup of hot Tim Horton sitting from far infront of the lake watching airplanes taking off from the runway and slowly vanishes into the beautiful sky of that evening. 

I miss playing basketball at the court just right infront of the house with the sun shining down on me during that cold summer. 

I miss the old times,
Yeah..i'm missing you already...

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