Sunday, June 1, 2014


Just some random thoughts based on recent news and didn't mean to offend anyone in particular.

I have recently come across one news from China about a girl being beaten to death in the McDonald outlet just because she refused to give away her contact number when she was asked. Just like one of the normal days i scroll down my news feed and this few seconds video appears. I then play it, and subsequently feeling the pain in anger.

And all of a sudden this thing pops up in mind.

Remember that news of a 2-year-old girl who ran over by a van that drove off right after? And the injured toddler got ignored by passersby leaving her bleeding on the street whom later got hit by another car again? And still left struggling at the middle of road until the mother appeared?

I bet you do. This news has massively sparked the international expressions of shock and anger - How heartless can these people from China be. Not only they are cruel to animals, they are heartless toward human being too. Such a shame.

Until now, after so many cases, another similar incident has arisen, here, skip the details and go to the main point. Instead of witnessing the whole incident with the phone recorder without any intention to help out of fear of getting involved in this life threatening situation, one thing he can do to save the girl's life :

He can simply get everyone gathered up in a big group to stop this from happening, at the same time, call the police, but not cowardly standing from far to record the whole incident and what's the purpose of posting it up when the victim is already dead?

Here's the video

That explains what a heartless fool they are and these people literally don't have any feelings for another person. How awful the society has turned out to be. Some people may think they need to keep themselves out of the harm but this incident took place in public, everyone's around witnessing but no action taken to stop the crime. How sad. Imagine how helpless that girl was throughout the whole incident hoping someone to come and rescue.

China, stop the cruelty and wake up, maybe?

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