Saturday, June 7, 2014

I'll skip the details and highlight the important part. I went to the mall this day looking for the stuff that I've been searching over time from the website in the hope of getting one for real. Then I saw something similar on top of those shelves and as I took a closer look, it was definitely love at first sight though it wasn't something that I was looking for since beginning. I flipped the price tag and it shocked me a little knowing that the price they are charging is almost twice as much as what I ve seen from the web.  It was an absolute rip off I could get a better deal from the other store or I'm happy to pay double of the shipping fee just so I can receive it right the next day. On a side note, I'm glad to say that I am able to sleep well and soundly after that period of month ended. Insomnia is just a pure torture especially with those thoughts of the past events that made my brain went haywire. At least it will be another couple of weeks before I end up going back on my periodic emotional disorder (PED - self created disorder).

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