Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Sitting at the couch with a glass of 'wine' ,
Looking out of the wall glass window,
enjoying the city view of this beautiful place,
perhaps is the best thing to do when something bad crossing your mind.
I don't drink, that's what people often don't believe when they want to buy me some alcoholic beverages, And when I say I don't, I really mean it.
It's not wine in my glass, but the espresso I made it myself from the room and sip it using another glass as substitute.
Things I used to say I won't and I don't, I mean it till the day I die.
I don't remember things that broke our trust and the bond we've shared together, I only know, no matter what, it's for the best of our lives.
It's so amazing that our paths were once aligned together and though it has broken into two, or maybe more than that,
I'll be thankful for that, for happening at least once in my life.

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