Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A bunch of them storm into the coffee shop, in the same uniform that looks so familiar to me and it took me a while to remember, "ohh, that's the uniform for hospitality students from my ex-college." Talking to myself. The perfect match of grey top and black long pants, reminded me of those days when I was in the same college wearing our very own uniforms, the black silk blouse with that grey knee length skirt not forgetting the black pantyhose and that killing heels, those are the things I used to hate wearing but now, jeez, since when I'm missing it so badly I wish to wear it everyday to work. I stare at one of them and we accidentally exchange glances with a smile, she belongs to that rowdy group talking and laughing so loud with their jokes that soon becomes the attention of everyone in that coffee shop, the topic they are sharing among the group is so much close to those my group of friends used to share, we gave comments about our bad teacher, bad subject, bad schedule, hot guys and girls in the class etc, those are the things I can never forget. I miss my friends, and I know they miss me too.
* beep beep
"hey we have another gathering the beginning of June! Letz! I look at the message with the biggest smile of the day...

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