Saturday, May 31, 2014

My recent posts are all short and extremely negative as you may have noticed and no exception for this first post of another new month. Be warned though, this post is gonna be so exhausting too because I'm literally exhausted during the past one whole month, physically and emotionally exhausted. Exactly one year has gone by and it feels like an eye blink I don't even get to feel the beats from my heart. I have so many things to share but I'm just more addictive in posting those short and emotional post. I don't wish anyone of you will have to read this and if you do, I apologize I don't mean to spread the negativity around. Sometimes I just wish to have a brick fall on my head and cause me a total amnesia and lead a brand new life on my own without getting haunted by the unpleasant past events. I'm just too weak to be strong. June, be good to me. The first part of year has passed in an eye blink and now the new second part is just yet to begin. Maybe tomorrow, I'll feel much better, again.

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