Saturday, May 31, 2014

There's something you need to know when we are talking about sex. Sex is important especially when you're in a relationship with your partner, at least to me. =) It is a basic human need afterall and a lot of time it makes not only you but also your partner feel great, physically and emotionally.  Sex does change your life for a better, trust me. There's nothing shameful about starting this topic. It also act as a magical pill that tighten the bond between two people. To me, it's a need. We human need sex for a better life and here i'm not talking about the one-night stand or whatsover because if it leaves you a feeling of guilty and stressful you're definitely doing it in a wrong way and you should start changing that habit because a bad sex can lead to negative emotions and experiences in later life. You don't want to hate having sex don't you?

You know it better, that feeling of excitement that you're going to do something special with your partner.

What about FWB?
There's no wrong with FWB because they are just fulfilling the basic need of each other not before they both reach that mutual understanding of the purpose doing it without commitment or any emotional involved. Getting a sexually compatible partner is a lot easier at here (which is a lot around you i suppose) and make it clear there will be no sorts of emotions grow in between. Whhopps sorry guess i'm going a bit too far...

The point is, sex is important and necessary in life.
And it's very sad that society has caused so many to feel guilty about doing sex..

The comments of my post :

*I agree. And sex is a beautiful thing.

*totally agree. sex isn't the most important thing in a relationship but it is very important. also if we have sex it should be very happy & should leave us very happy afterwards. we should all be more open with talking about it too.

*I agree with what you're saying but sex means different things to different people.
For some its a physical thing, for others it's more emotional and for a rare few it can be switched between the two.The main thing is communicate with each other and respect peoples views.

*Well said.

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