Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Rape with 'Consent'

"Qur’an 24:4 and 24:13 stipulate that sexual crimes can only be established by the testimony of four male Muslim witnesses. Those verses, according to Islamic tradition, are a result of Muhammad’s exoneration of his favorite wife, Aisha, who was suspected of adultery. Allah gave him a revelation requiring four male witnesses to establish such a crime: “And those who accuse honourable women but bring not four witnesses, scourge them (with) eighty stripes and never (afterward) accept their testimony – They indeed are evil-doers” (Qur’an 24:4)."

Abu Azmi

Scenario 1:
A girl got raped and she reported to the police. 
Police : Any witnesses to prove this ?
Victim : Yes....
Police : How many of them?
Victim : 4, who engaged in the rape.

Scenario 2:
Police  :Any witnesses to prove this ?
Victim : No..
Police : Sorry it's either you have at least 4 witnesses otherwise i have reason to suspect this is just another case of rape WITH CONSENT. 


And this is from the other source so i have the whole thing copied down.

"The Quran says FOUR witnesses are required if a charge of indecency (fahishatan) is made against chaste women (muhsanaati). So in the literal Quran it is the other way around - the accuser must bring forth FOUR WITNESSES against the women."

Scenario 1:
A guy was caught for involving a rape case.
Police : Any witnesses to prove that you're not guilty of charge?
Rapist : Yes
Police : How many of them?
Rapist : 4 of them. * Bringing out his four friends who will never betray him 
Police : Okay you can leave now. 

Tell me the difference.

Back to school,
the definition of rape is being sexually forced with violence.

But if you never fight back, or maybe not able to fight back with a body full of wounds and cuts AND no witness throughout the whole incident, it will be assumed as rape with consent. 
Case closed.

"Rape"and "consent"is obviously two different words that can never go together.
But it exists.

I see it this way though.
How could it possibly form a word when 'rape' comes with a rough physical force and violence and 'consent' simply means a permission or allowing something to happen?

I have not heard of such thing like women give men a permission to physically hurt themselves to almost die.

I really don't understand the whole logic yet they want to implement this (or already) at here.

One thing's for certain, god will never teach us something wrong. They might be conveying s false impression based on their ideology because as we know, which is the fact, they are not smart, not even close. The election and all was just all fucked up.

Just need to rant it out and haven't have guts to go into further details because i'm not good at writing this sorta topic and not living in a free-speech country. 

I don't feel safe when this part of the world is already asleep and can never wake up.

It's almost dinner time.
I'm bloated,
but super hungry.

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