Sunday, July 6, 2014


Its a rare kinda of thing to have an impromptu family plus friend house gathering tonight. The initial plan was to come and visit my house since we were already out of plan for the day. On the phone i can tell my parents were all ready to welcome the guests i will be bringing home before we arrived back. Just as any of the day when anyone of us bringing friends home for a visit, in no time flat they ( my parents + my friends ) blend in nicely, as of this day, to a mutual topic with property investment. Now that the topic has been brought up, in case you not know my mom is an experienced real estate agent ( dual agency ) that excelled at helping people purchasing property, i got made redundant when they began exchanging their ideas and my job of bringing them all together and her a potential buyer and some businesses was, well, obviously no longer needed.

They sat around the round table with no extra chair left for me.

Just feel like i'm being left out by them, by my parents, by my friends.

As for my dad, a very sociable and over-friendly person, seems to be the first one who gets over-excited when he was told that it's one of my friend's birthday tonight in the middle of conversation.


He shouted as he went to the kitchen and took some more beers and a bottle of red wine from the fridge before he passed it all to my friends and put some on the table.

Today is the first day of my dad meeting all my friends i brought home this night.

My over-friendly parents were trying to party with my friends but they didn't go to that extreme knowing that my friends will need to drive back home in the late night.

In the end of day, often time i was being told that they are jealous of me having such parents with youngminds and am glad that not only myself, but my friends love socializing with my family too because both of my parents are open to literally any topic that comes into the mind and not only they can be a good listener, they give good advices too.

I am always so thankful of having my type of beyond earth amazing family that i sometimes think they are weird in a good way, but still find it special and interesting and of course, they are the people i cannot live without and i love them greatly since the day i was born to this family.

Thank god that i belong to this family in this life.

The FIFA live match will be starting at 12am later. Beers, wine and snacks are all thoughtfully prepped on the long table for themselves and of course, my friends who no longer need me anymore tonight. I'll pass the match to make sure i get a good night's sleep, just for today.

I love my family,
I love my friends i brought home tonight too. :)

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