Wednesday, July 16, 2014


That long conversation killed the night for me. My mind was going blank a few times trying to explain everything i can possibly think of to help him from suffering that amount of discomfort and to make sure he is feeling okay before he sleeps in this night. Yes, it's the heartbroken story again. The most excruciating pain i've ever experienced when i lost someone i love few years ago. I know it the best. It's been a few days and to him,  i'm sure it gets worse as each day passes by. I am always being good at giving advice but never once it works for myself. Flashing-back those days, a little more than one year ago when the same thing happened on me feeling so suicidal i could nearly die.

He sounded lost, dismayed, desperate, trying every possible way to fix thing right when i told him this is not gonna work because, it's broken. I quickly noticed no matter how many advice i gave him since the day one he appeared all broken, he just wouldn't even hear of it.

Me :" I know it's hard but it is what it is already. You can neither deny nor rewind the past so accept it, the best way to heal. " 
Him :"No it's different from your case because i'm the bad guy in this relationship.."

For so many years we have been so close to each since day one in college, this is the first time he takes his breakup so seriously being so caught up in such misery. *OH, i rhymed.

" Perhaps i really love this girl so much and i willing to wait for her to come back."
" Should i give up or no? "
" Or maybe she will one day come back to me.."
"I will change myself to a better me and find her back and marry her."
" I really want her in my life.."
"She didn't reply my text just because she wanted to test my patience and i know she still loves me.."
" What if she is with the other guy right now? "
" Or maybe she should get someone better in life.."
" Oh wait what if she still loves me?"
"What if i give up waiting and one day in future she wants me back? "
"What if.....

Those are the negative thoughts that plague your mind and makes you sliding backward. That doesn't help the healing process no matter how many excuses you give yourself to not let go the person when they are gone. You're just allowing the feeling lingers slowly until it gets so hurt you cry and shout YET it wouldn't change the drastic fact that's already happened. Having those thoughts only keeps you caught up in the life of someone who is already moving on. ( You're sad, she's happy, she couldn't careless about how you feel. Do you really want this in the end? ). Break free yourself and deal with the situation the way you know best, which is, Acknowledge, Accept, and Allow yourself to grieve over the loss.

"She will not come back to your side when she stops replying your text."
"She will eventually find someone better than you and please stop dreaming about one day getting back together."
"Accept it and take it as a lesson for a better next relationship."
Can't help but being brutally honest just to wake him up to reality.

Him: " I will never love again, i will wait her, i want to marry her and make her my wife, and i will prove that i am someone she can rely on and trust."

My first reaction : Brother, again?

P/S: Don't take it so serious when a guy ever say that, lol, he used to say the same kind of thing to me for more than countless times when he was having a serious heartbreak each time since the first day we became friends. But i guess this is a real serious one because i have never seen him feeling that pain like this before.

Forgive your partner, and forgive yourself, stop staying stuck in the past when there are so many beautiful things ahead waiting for you. Learn how to say goodbye with a smile.

Sometimes, let go can be so beautiful you just need to put your own optimistic thought and take other perspective to see that same thing differently. That's always a blessing in disguise, believe it. You will eventually get over it and love your revived new life more that you ever thought possible, like myself =)

Have faith in god, and yourself. 
Breakup, is such a beautiful thing that helps adding a new value and lesson into your life,
for you to be a better person before you meet the right one.

God is always fair, 
he lets you meet "that one" at the wrong time, 
but he will eventually let you leave "that one" at the complete right time. 

*As you can see i used to share the same kind of thought when putting those words in this image, not anymore right now. Life is too short to stay stuck in the past, someone better will eventually appear, just give a little more time to yourself, and the one that you deserve.

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