Thursday, May 15, 2014

Money Making Online Company

Besides my job i spend most of my time doing stuff with my laptop at home. I've had a few part time jobs working from home and now i am planning to find another easier task to make more money without too much effort and at the same time, to kill my time, not even a space left for myself.

Searching through the web this one particular title caught my attention that i immediately clicked in the title link provided for more information. It turns out to be, we need to pay a certain fee for the online training course and that's when you will start receiving the knowledge of the online company and the instructions of earning for god knows how many days before you start making money.

Huge disappointment knowing that not much information given and i don't even have an option to go further from that page until i found this email address.

There was a slight hesitation looking at the tempting offer.
So, i write this person an email, in a very courteous and formal way hoping to know more details before i decide if it's worth to pay.

Show you :


He is being super nice at first


He reminds me of bad grammar. Okay good me neither but his is terrible.

He seriously needs major improvement.


Okay fair enuf won't ask much but i started to doubt so i threw him a very stupid question of mine


He got so offended LOL. 


Maybe he didn't get what i mean and take it so offensively with the word "stupid".

And brother..


Check dictionary to find the definition of ''ínterview'' please.

Even my 5-year-old cousin can write a better english.*Rolls eyes

Fifth and the last

I can't give up just yet. Blood boiling inside so i wrote the last email to reply. Thank god i was actually at work otherwise the whole thing might end up like a book.

No response since.

A few things to think about before you decide making money from the online company :
1) The name of company has to be very clear stated
2) Google the name of the company or the website owner to get more information
3) Don't simply exchange email with the email address that doesn't come with the name of company
e.g ( mastercomm has to be the name of company or organization )
4) Give it a second thought when it requires you to pay before you start making money.
5) Stop replying email that has no signature in it
6) Ask for proof if this website/company is reliable and can be fully trusted.
7) Read the reviews from others who have joined before.
8) If it requires you to pay and you feel sure that the online company is 100% can be trusted, use debit card for the payment first to prevent credit card fraud.

There's a lot of internet money making scams you have to be smart to determine if that specific online money making company is real or legitimate.A lot of scams targeting people who are looking ways to make fast money in a short time of period with the tempting message like paying small fee and you can immediately earn 500-1000 in a week?

Nah, BS. No such thing as easy money people.

You can choose not to take my advices but i have a few part time working from home online jobs so i feel sure i know it well than anyone of you who never try applying any online jobs as a side income.

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