Thursday, May 29, 2014

Another thing i like to do when i'm having my day off is to bring my work to a cafe or just anywhere where i'm not home to work on it instead.
Sometimes, you just have to get out of the house because being in the house, believe it or not, can actually really stress you out too.
And lets say if you're someone that don't like to work outside like when you're out you just want to enjoy your time, you can just bring a notepad with you just in case you see anything that inspires you or any kind of idea that comes through your mind you can write it down so you don't forget it or you can try to do this one thing which is my favorite, randomly doodling things while all the good ideas come to your mind.

Thanks for the idea, weylie. 
That's what i always doing to let inspiration come to me. 

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