Saturday, April 12, 2014

Sorry I dont love you - Jerry Springer's Show final thought

He broke off the engagement because he fell in love with somebody else. She cried. He insisted.

And i know most of us have been of both side of the equation, we dump others and been dumped ourselves, neither feels great and we remember how bad we felt when we were kicked to the curb and we don't feel very good when we do it to somebody else.

The honourable thing to do of course when you lose interest in someone is to let them know,
to be sensitive to the time and commitment they've put into the relationship, and while you cant continue to go with someone just because you don't want to hurt them by leaving.

The person you're leaving deserves dignity and respect as much as you want. 
That's of course is easier said than done .
Most people like to avoid confrontation particularly when they feel like the bad guy.

Open up your heart to face the truth, face to face.
What goes around comes around.
if you dump someone without explanation to sleep with somebody else,
the person that you have despicably sleeping with, is actually yourself.

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