Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Racist - The Jerry Springer Show Final Talk

Was watching this particular episode of JP Show this afternoon.
The story is about a white father doesn't like his black grandchildren thus forming the unnecessary family disputes and conflicts destroying the family bond.

Truth be told sadly even because of environment, sickness, ignorance, or just the way they were raised we always gonna find some among us who hate others and this is not because what they do but just because of what they are.
It's as if their self esteem are so low that there's nothing they have done in their lives they wish they can be
particularly proud of, so they choose something which they have nothing to do with, their skin color.

We often feel it this way:
"Ha im better than you because my skin is brighter."
"Oh he is smarter because he has white skin."
"She can be the better leader than you because she's white."
"They have all sorta priority because they are white."


But what's worthy of concern is how many among us who don't appear to be so silly, who dress nicely, speak well, live in a best neighbourhood, belong to the best club, or appear to have the most civilized manner but quietly share the same despicable racist acts?

And thats the real fear.

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