Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Mashup ( Outbound Love + Drenched )

Trying something new with my digital piano today.
I'm blending two of my favorite songs together to create a new one, which is, we call it a mashup.

This is quite simple.

I was playing 'Outbound Love' and when it came to the end of verse two the melody of "Drenched" suddenly popped into my mind so i continued playing the song blending in the chorus part of 'Drenched' using the same key which i was using for the first song earlier so it became something like this...

It sounds not bad when this two songs combined into one and sorry lar if my version is not too convincing.
Then you try yourself lar. =)
Purely for fun !

I don't have a better recorder at home.
Sorry for the bad quality of sound recorded with iphone.

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