Wednesday, April 23, 2014

I think I was BRIBED!

I drove my mom’s car out without any choices as I meant to be somewhere important today.  I was kind of late so I drove a little faster than usual. 

When that traffic light turned yellow from far I accelerated, ( the Pajero next to me did exactly the same ) in a very safe and steady way and I DID NOT run the red light I swear and all of a sudden, there was a traffic police on motorcycle appeared at the back frantically waving his right arm out and pointed to the left side wanted me to stop my vehicle and so I pulled over and was curious to know what’s going on.  

I wind down the window to half and waited for him to come. He looked at me, and smiled, then started to talk in a very polite manner.  Clueless as I was I glared at him wanted to find out what he has to say for stopping me half way driving in the street.  I pretty much sure I look like a damn student to him ( cheh~) which probably explains why only my car but not the big ass Pajero got pulled over for speeding during the yellow light.

Him: Moi, pakai cantik pergi mana? ( Where are you heading ? )
Me: Oh, no where. Anything?
Him : Hm..okay..tapi moi u tau u tadi langgar lampu merah ke? ( You ran through a red light few seconds ago)

I knew I didn’t.  Not 100% sure though after a while but I kept defending and insisting that I did not do anything wrong.  Full of confidence.
Then I asked him for the proof, which he started to yell at me.  I am really sure that I did not run through the red light and even if it’s my fault, it would be me speeding up upon seeing it turns yellow like how I used to do.  As I was running late I started to sort of showing my anger and began to grumble about me being falsely accused.

I really did. Well my temper is out of control sometimes when my patience is being challenged by some retards.

And why the hell is he yelling at me when I’m supposed to be the one doing this and all?

He then continued: “Ok, tak apa, you ada berapa sekarang?” ( How much you have with you? )
*Moving his fingers back and forth quickly through the window while looking around

I told him that I have not much left in my wallet, I have only RM5 plus a mountain of coins in the car
 ( which is true ) and I oftentimes forget to bring cash out when going somewhere alone but not when meeting some friends for dinner or shopping.  ( Need to clarify this lol )

If you want you can follow my car all the way to my friend’s house ill ask them to pay you first, don’t worry, just nearby.”  I then added with an impolite manner.

He looked at me in disbelief and replied : by how the way you wear today I don’t believe you don’t have at least RM50 in your wallet. ( in malay )

It’s not up to you to believe whether or not I have more than that with me of course I didn’t say it to him anyhow there’s no way for him to find out if it’s true. I was very firm with what I have just said, not even bother to explain further while giving him that look of : take it, or leave it.

Ideally, I think I’ll be better off giving him whatever amount I left to stop embarrassing myself in the middle of road.
But no, I have to try because anyway he will not have the proof to argue with me or issue me any ticket.
It took him about 20 minutes to know that I’m not that kind of easily surrender victim and as if he completely forget about the traffic ticket he was gonna issue and sensing that the ‘negotiation’ can’t go anywhere further, he gave me that angry stare and pointed at me in a manner that can only be verbally interpreted as : FINE FUCK YOU BITCH!

He left, without issuing any speeding traffic ticket and to be honest I was in a panic and about to call someone come to my rescue if he won’t let me go.

Thing might turns out differently if I was another person. I am being lucky for not remember to bring cash out today. At least I know what to do next time when the same thing happens on me again. * Smirk

Pay day pls come faster. I'm struggling to survive till the end of month !

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