Sunday, May 11, 2014

You are so beautiful the way you are

It's been forever since i last updated. So this post is just another random one. I'm kinda exhausted today, and you might be feeling exhausted reading this post too.

I was throwing a huge tantrum at work today and it was my bad acting all outrageous when i'm not supposed to. I'm not in a good mood and feeling so low in this particular day because of so many issues that trigger the thought.

I have pointed out a few to Dave and his words has magically cure my ache, not entirely though. It's all about insecurities with job and position that i'm currently holding ( much more that's best to be left untold ) and those issues are pretty much sum up to it. 

Let me stray off a little and talk about being skinny. Everyone has been telling me that i am so lucky to be that tall and skinny and keep asking me the way of maintaining it. Well first, i'm just naturally thin and that's something that i cannot change. I eat a regular amount of meal 3 to 4 times a day and i literally can't do shit about getting skinny. Talk about fat people that always become a victim of those judgemental person you have to understand one thing.

Some people cannot help the way that they are naturally the way they are. You have no idea what that person is going through. It might be the impact of genetics that making a person become overweight or rather obese and they have no choice to change the way they look or if the overweight is caused by little physical activities and major food supply in each day maybe this person is already working hard on losing weight. See? 

For those who need, if you can't physically change the way you look for any reasons, change the way you think. Size and shape of body don't define who and what you are. Whether you're pretty or not it depends on who you are inside but not judging by the look and remember, confidence is what will win anything over. 

Stop wasting a moment of your life feeling shame about yourself whether you're too tall, short, fat, or too skinny. 

Everyone's pretty, depending on the way how they think and carry themselves.

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