Sunday, April 27, 2014

President and PM

That bulletproof vehicle has been moving in and out from the hotel passing by the road infront of my workplace causing a lot of traffic for more than two days already but it has literally nothing to do with the train services right? And why the hell that fk train delayed for exactly the two days when he was here in the city?

Not much comment about this, something that happens frequently nothing can be done to fix it so we MALAYSIAN gotta suck it up and ACCEPT wtv's given and that selfie posted in his FB is totally a FAILED one.

Najib : Hey where's the capture button in my phone ? 
Obama : #$@&%*! ( with that smile )

You know nothing about politic equality honesty and MH270 okay la we understand but hey? Selfie also don't know how to take? 

On a side note,

I was reading one related article with this title :

"Malaysia cannot succeed unless equal opportunity given to non-Muslims. " 

(click to read more)
Says Obama

When Anwar Ibrahim said this, no one gives a fuck. 
When Obama said this, WHOA! Newspaper Headline wey ! 


That's all you'll get as a response.

Sai Hei La. 

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