Sunday, September 8, 2013

The WHY i blog

I start blogging since 2010 as you may have noticed from the bottom right side.The reason why is because there's no reason to start. I started at the beginning of year for several times, crashed, started again, crashed again and then started again. I totally forget about me having a blog in those years when  i was having something more important in life to take care of and usually blogging is the only way to express your dissatisfaction and your depression to share it with public, which is somewhat silly because no one would feel interested to know more about your thing than you yourself.The first year i kept on writing and posting because i don't have anyone to share with.Just writing down everything i had to say and feel better after.Then the following years someone came into my life my posts became little, i have to admit that's because my innate laziness took over and i felt sharing my innermost with someone is way better than writing things down in journal sharing with literally no one.

Obviously now, yes, i have blogged extensively.And i wish one day in future i can read back the posts and laugh at myself for being the way i am right now.

Wondering what one year on future me would say to present me now.

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